I have received a number of requests asking me to post some sound samples of the TC-Helicon Voiceworks effects box. I am playing a tenorĀ tenor saxophone in all of the samples.
The first sample is bypassing the Voiceworks box and is the dry sample:
The second sample sample is the Voiceworks box with the reverb effect. Reverb time is 420ms and Feedback is 25%:
The third sample sample is the Voiceworks box with the reverb effect and Chrous. Reverb time is 420ms and Feedback is 25%, Chorus is -6dB.
The fourth sample sample is the Voiceworks box with one unison voice, reverb effect and Chrous. Reverb time is 420ms and Feedback is 25%, Chorus is -6dB, unison voice is -6dB.
The fifth sample sample is the Voiceworks box with one unison voice,one harmony voice ( above), reverb effect and Chrous. Reverb time is 420ms and Feedback is 20%, Chorus is -6dB, unison voice is -3dB, harmony voice -3dB.
The sixth sample sample is the Voiceworks box with one unison voice,two harmony voices( above), reverb effect and Chrous. Reverb time is 420ms and Feedback is 20%, Chorus is -6dB, unison voice is -3dB, first harmony voice -3dB, second harmony voice -6dB.
Will Schmit says
Great stuff Paul.
I am working on trying to mimic a sound that I am pretty sure I can do. I want to fake a Tex-Mex button accordion. The problem I am having is that I need to play 2 notes at one time and in some cases 3 — My Yamaha chorus (SPX90II) doesn’t sound right at all. I can play the high line of the sheet music, DRY, and then I want to use a sustain pedal from a midi organ to kick in the second voice. In this case exactly 4 semitones below the dry note. In other words 2 notes lower (D4, B4). The second tone chorus would be the above group and the same note as the dry note only one octave lower (D4, B4, D3).
I will be playing an alto, or a C-Melody.
I can also use a Yamaha WX5, with an accordion patch (patchman patches sound killer) and then pump the analog-out from my mixer into the voiceworks. I love the WX-5, but I can’t tongue it fast enough to make the polkas sound convincing.
Would you have any interest in taking a look at some sheet music, and MP3 of the music, and give it a try for me before I go and spend money on a box that may no please me.
Thanks — Will Schmit (grandson of Bill Schmit – Smitty and the Boys)
Paul Maine says
Please send me the sheet music and an mp3 and I will take a look.