This post is a tribute to my friend Richard Emerson. Richard was a friend, fellow musician and my world war II hero. He was nearly 90 years old when he passed. Richard played the keyboard and we performed at the Baker Theater in Lockhart Texas for several years. When Richard and I first met and discovered that we were both musicians – an instant connection was made that transcended the generation gap.
Richard told me many stories. He was a WWII pilot that towed gliders into Normandy on D-Day. He was shot down behind enemy lines and lived to tell the story.
I learned many new ( to me ) songs from Richard that I have added to my bands song list. Richard greatly enriched my life and many others. He was able to introduce me to Opera’s – without his prodding I would never have even tried an opera.
Goodbye my friend and thank you for sharing a part of your life with me!