By Paul Maine, May 2020
If you are recording music videos that you desire to share on Facebook or YouTube – this article is for you.
I have recently started recording music videos using an iOS application named “Acapella” on my iPhone. Today’s newer iPhones and iPads have very good built-in cameras. After recording a few videos I noticed the lighting in my videos were not of the same professional level as many of the videos I watch. I quickly realized that lighting was the primary issue.
I watched a number of YouTube videos on using lights when recording videos.
After a good bit of research I purchased the following:
The video light has built-in WI-FI and a free iOS application that can be used to adjust the light. I purchased the light reflector because it was less expensive than a second light and enabled me to carry fewer things if I wanted to use the lights in a different location. The light reflector also has the capability of using five different colors for different lighting effects.
Here is a video review of the light I purchased:
This past weekend I traveled out of town to visit a musician friend and record some videos while experimenting with the lights.
The following photos show that I used my iPhone as a video camera on a boom mic stand. The LED light was behind and to the right of the camera and the light reflector was behind the mic and on the left. It was set in a position to reflect light from the LED light to the side without a light. An iPad was used for the chords and lyrics and it was not viewable from the camera.

I hope this information help you create more professional looking videos!